Travel guides are such a personal undertaking. Rarely will two people plan the exact same itinerary and that makes travel guide writing a precision skill. The writer of a guide book or article needs to disassociate from their own personal tastes to offer something more comprehensive. Paul primarily writes and updates guidebooks for Lonely Planet, Rough Guides, Insight Guides and Berlitz. Click on a book cover image for a link to the book.

The Rough Guide to USA 2024 - Updated 14 states, including Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, the Carolinas, Georgia and Tennessee.
Pocket Rough Guide to Las Vegas 2023 - Thorough update

Lonely Planet Andalucia 2023 - Authored chapters on Sevilla and Huelva
Lonely Planet Pocket Bilbao & San Sebastian 2023 - Update of San Sebastian section

Pocket Rough Guide to Skye and the Western Isles - Authored the first edition
The Mini Rough Guide to Menorca 2023 - Update
Rough Guide to Kenya (update)
The 100 Best Places in the USA 2021 (wrote various sections)
Rough Guide to Norway (update)
Make the Most of Your Time on Earth 4 (section on Khiva, Uzbekistan)
The Best Places on Earth 2020 (sections on Jaisalmer, Andaman Islands, Tayrona Park & Uvita)

Explore: Cancún & The Yucatán - Authored & photographed the first edition
IG Caribbean Lesser Antilles (update)
IG South Korea (update)
IG India (update)
IG Mexico (update)
IG Thailand (update)
Explore: Sydney (update)
Explore: Fiji (update)
IG Ecuador & The Galapagos (update)
Great Breaks Glasgow (update)
Explore Singapore (update)

Berlitz Pocket Guide to Glasgow - Authored first edition
Berlitz Pocket Guide to South Africa (update)
Berlitz Pocket Guide to Australia (update)
Berlitz Pocket Guide to Spain (update)
Berlitz Pocket Guide to Kuala Lumpur (update)
Berlitz Pocket Guide to Thailand (update)
Berlitz Pocket Guide to Italian Lakes & Verona
Berlitz Pocket Guide to Malaysia
Berlitz Pocket Guide to Mauritius